Welcome to The Finished Book! This site contains posts analyzing the mechanics of D&D 5th edition. My interest is in understanding the math behind how the game functions, and in communicating that understanding in a way others, hopefully, find useful.

The majority of these posts were written with the 2014 5th edition rules in mind, but many remain applicable to the 2024 rules as well. And, for those that aren’t, I will undoubtedly be updating them to be compatible in the future as time permits.

cool character mini Classes

Posts about player character and class related content.

scary monster mini Monsters

Posts about monsters and such.

dice and diagrams Theory

Posts about the mechanics and theories behind the game.

Recent Posts

Monster Manual (2024)

18 minute read

A comprehensive breakdown of the 2024 Monster Manual.

Random Encounter Tables

16 minute read

Random encounter tables are a great tool, but they can sometimes create problems. Here we explore the math behind random encounter tables and techniques we c...

Initiative Probabilities

16 minute read

How likely are you to roll higher than your opponent in initiative? How often will you go first or second? This post looks at the math behind initiative orde...

Variability: Saves

18 minute read

How do we account for variability of saving throws in D&D?

Variability: Attacks

17 minute read

How do we account for variability of attack rolls in D&D?