The Book Progress table (below) summarizes the dataset used throughout these posts for analyzing monsters from D&D 5th edition. The “Added” column signifies the number of monsters from each book that have been added to the dataset, which means they can be referenced for basic monster statistics, and the “Processed” column indicates the number of monsters who have been analyzed in more detail, which means they can be reference for more advanced monster statistics. Here is a list of stats available from each of these categories:

  • Added Monster Stats. Monsters who have been added to the dataset can be referenced for size, type, subtype, hit points, armor class, speed, ability scores, saving throws, skill, resistances, immunities, senses, languages, and challenge ratings.

  • Processed Monster Stats. Monsters who have been processed within the dataset can also be referenced for adjusted hit points, adjusted armor class, damage per round, adjusted damage per round, attack bonus, adjusted attack bonus, save difficulty class, and adjusted save difficulty class.

Adding monsters to the dataset is mostly automated, making it a relatively easy and quick process. Processing monsters, on the other hand, is unfortunately still done by hand. I try to go through each book shortly after it’s release, but because of its time consuming nature, and my general lack of free time, delays are common.

Book Progress

Book Acronym Date Type Added Processed
Hoard of the Dragon Queen HotDQ 2014-08-19 Adventure 15 15
Monster Manual MM 2014-09-07 Source 428 428
Rize of Tiamat RoT 2014-11-04 Adventure 8 8
Princes of the Apocalypse PotA 2015-04-07 Adventure 53 53
Out of the Abyss OotA 2015-09-15 Adventure 34 34
Curse of Strahd CoS 2016-03-16 Adventure 24 24
Storm King's Thunder SKT 2016-09-06 Adventure 32 32
Volo's Guide to Monsters VGtM 2016-11-15 Source 143 143
Tales from the Yawning Portal TftYP 2017-04-04 Adventure 40 40
Tomb of Annihilation ToA 2017-09-19 Adventure 35 35
Xanathar's Guide to Everything XGtE 2017-11-12 Source 1 1
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes MToF 2018-05-29 Source 147 147
Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron WGtE 2018-07-23 Source 0 0
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist WDH 2018-09-18 Adventure 29 29
Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica GGtR 2018-11-20 Source 71 71
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage WDotMM 2018-11-20 Adventure 23 23
Ghosts of Saltmarsh GoS 2019-05-21 Adventure 48 48
Baulder's Gate: Descent Into Avernus BGDiA 2019-09-17 Adventure 34 34
Eberron: Rising from the Last War ERftLW 2019-11-19 Source 38 38
Explorer's Guide to Wildmount EGtW 2020-03-07 Source 34 34
Mythic Odysseys of Theros MOoT 2020-07-21 Source 51 51
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden IDRotF 2020-09-15 Adventure 58 58
Tasha's Cauldron of Everything TCoE 2020-11-17 Source 2 2
Candlekeep Mysteries CM 2021-03-16 Adventure 23 23
Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft VRGtR 2021-05-18 Source 38 38
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight TWBtW 2021-09-21 Adventure 39 39
Fizban's Treasury of Dragons FToD 2021-10-26 Source 104 104
Strixhaven: a Curriculum of Chaos SACoC 2021-12-07 Adventure 44 44
Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep CRCotN 2022-03-15 Adventure 38 38
Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse MPMotM 2022-05-16 Source 281 281
Journey Through the Radiant Citadel JttRC 2022-07-19 Adventure 13 13
Spelljammer: Adventures in Space • Boo’s Astral Menagerie SAiS:BAM 2022-08-16 Source 72 72
Spelljammer: Adventures in Space • Light of Xaryxis SAiS:LoX 2022-08-16 Source 1 1
Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen DSotDQ 2022-12-06 Adventure 23 23
Keys from the Golden Vault KftGV 2023-02-21 Adventure 8 8
Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants BPGotG 2023-08-15 Source 71 71
Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk PaBTSO 2023-09-19 Adventure 17 17
Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse • Morte’s Planar Parade PAitM:MPP 2023-10-17 Source 59 59
The Book of Many Things TBoMT 2023-11-14 Source 41 41
Vecna: Eve of Ruin VEoR 2024-05-21 Adventure 26 26
Quests from the Infinite Staircase QftIS 2024-07-16 Adventure 32 32