D&D 2024

Monster Manual (2024)

18 minute read

A comprehensive breakdown of the 2024 Monster Manual.

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adventuring day

Player Character XP

13 minute read

Calculates encounter and adventuring day XPs for each class and compares them with XP thresholds and budgets in the DMG.

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Stunning Strike

10 minute read

Analysis of how Stunning Strike holds up against published monsters

Player Character XP

13 minute read

Calculates encounter and adventuring day XPs for each class and compares them with XP thresholds and budgets in the DMG.

Categorizing Monsters

2 minute read

Grouping monsters into categories, because not all monsters in D&D 5e should be weighted equally.

Monster Saving Throws

4 minute read

An analysis of how monster saving throw modifiers scale with CR.

Calculating Monster CR

5 minute read

Compares listed monster CRs with those calculated according to the rules in chapter 9 of the DMG.

Calculating Monster XP

7 minute read

Compares listed monster XP values with those calculated from their offensive and defensive abilities.

Early Legendary Monsters

7 minute read

Legendary monsters in the first several books were overpowered but their balance has improved since then.

Monster Condition Immunities

3 minute read

An analysis of how monster condition immunities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

Monster Damage Modifiers

6 minute read

An analysis of how damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

Monsters of the Multiverse

7 minute read

How have the monsters in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse changed?

Baseline Monster Stats

15 minute read

What are the baseline monster stats Wizards of the Coast uses for making monsters?

Monster Dataset

3 minute read

A list of the book that make up the monster datasets used for these analysis.

Monster Manual (2024)

18 minute read

A comprehensive breakdown of the 2024 Monster Manual.

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Variability: Attacks

17 minute read

How do we account for variability of attack rolls in D&D?

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challenge rating

Calculating Monster CR

5 minute read

Compares listed monster CRs with those calculated according to the rules in chapter 9 of the DMG.

Calculating Monster XP

7 minute read

Compares listed monster XP values with those calculated from their offensive and defensive abilities.

Early Legendary Monsters

7 minute read

Legendary monsters in the first several books were overpowered but their balance has improved since then.

Monsters of the Multiverse

7 minute read

How have the monsters in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse changed?

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Stunning Strike

10 minute read

Analysis of how Stunning Strike holds up against published monsters

Player Character XP

13 minute read

Calculates encounter and adventuring day XPs for each class and compares them with XP thresholds and budgets in the DMG.

Variability: Attacks

17 minute read

How do we account for variability of attack rolls in D&D?

Variability: Saves

18 minute read

How do we account for variability of saving throws in D&D?

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Monster Manual (2024)

18 minute read

A comprehensive breakdown of the 2024 Monster Manual.

Initiative Probabilities

16 minute read

How likely are you to roll higher than your opponent in initiative? How often will you go first or second? This post looks at the math behind initiative orde...

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Monster Condition Immunities

3 minute read

An analysis of how monster condition immunities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

Valuing Conditions

18 minute read

How strong are conditions in 5th edition D&D?

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damage types

Monster Damage Modifiers

6 minute read

An analysis of how damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

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Random Encounter Tables

16 minute read

Random encounter tables are a great tool, but they can sometimes create problems. Here we explore the math behind random encounter tables and techniques we c...

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encounter balancing

Player Character XP

13 minute read

Calculates encounter and adventuring day XPs for each class and compares them with XP thresholds and budgets in the DMG.

XP and Encounter Balancing

14 minute read

A detailed explanation of where XP comes from and how encounter balancing works.

Rounds of Combat Per Day

6 minute read

How many rounds should combat take? And how does encounter difficulty affect the number of rounds in a full adventuring day?

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encounter difficulty

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encounter multiplier

XP and Encounter Balancing

14 minute read

A detailed explanation of where XP comes from and how encounter balancing works.

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Monster Condition Immunities

3 minute read

An analysis of how monster condition immunities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

Monster Damage Modifiers

6 minute read

An analysis of how damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

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Initiative Probabilities

16 minute read

How likely are you to roll higher than your opponent in initiative? How often will you go first or second? This post looks at the math behind initiative orde...

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legendary monsters

Early Legendary Monsters

7 minute read

Legendary monsters in the first several books were overpowered but their balance has improved since then.

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legendary resistance

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magic items

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Monster Saving Throws

4 minute read

An analysis of how monster saving throw modifiers scale with CR.

Monster Condition Immunities

3 minute read

An analysis of how monster condition immunities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

Monster Damage Modifiers

6 minute read

An analysis of how damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

Valuing Conditions

18 minute read

How strong are conditions in 5th edition D&D?

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Stunning Strike

10 minute read

Analysis of how Stunning Strike holds up against published monsters

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monster categories

Categorizing Monsters

2 minute read

Grouping monsters into categories, because not all monsters in D&D 5e should be weighted equally.

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Categorizing Monsters

2 minute read

Grouping monsters into categories, because not all monsters in D&D 5e should be weighted equally.

Monster Saving Throws

4 minute read

An analysis of how monster saving throw modifiers scale with CR.

Calculating Monster CR

5 minute read

Compares listed monster CRs with those calculated according to the rules in chapter 9 of the DMG.

Calculating Monster XP

7 minute read

Compares listed monster XP values with those calculated from their offensive and defensive abilities.

Early Legendary Monsters

7 minute read

Legendary monsters in the first several books were overpowered but their balance has improved since then.

Monster Condition Immunities

3 minute read

An analysis of how monster condition immunities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

Monster Damage Modifiers

6 minute read

An analysis of how damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

Monsters of the Multiverse

7 minute read

How have the monsters in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse changed?

Baseline Monster Stats

15 minute read

What are the baseline monster stats Wizards of the Coast uses for making monsters?

Monster Dataset

3 minute read

A list of the book that make up the monster datasets used for these analysis.

Monster Manual (2024)

18 minute read

A comprehensive breakdown of the 2024 Monster Manual.

Variability: Attacks

17 minute read

How do we account for variability of attack rolls in D&D?

Variability: Saves

18 minute read

How do we account for variability of saving throws in D&D?

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pathfinder 2e

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Initiative Probabilities

16 minute read

How likely are you to roll higher than your opponent in initiative? How often will you go first or second? This post looks at the math behind initiative orde...

Random Encounter Tables

16 minute read

Random encounter tables are a great tool, but they can sometimes create problems. Here we explore the math behind random encounter tables and techniques we c...

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random encounters

Random Encounter Tables

16 minute read

Random encounter tables are a great tool, but they can sometimes create problems. Here we explore the math behind random encounter tables and techniques we c...

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Monster Damage Modifiers

6 minute read

An analysis of how damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

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saving throws

Stunning Strike

10 minute read

Analysis of how Stunning Strike holds up against published monsters

Monster Saving Throws

4 minute read

An analysis of how monster saving throw modifiers scale with CR.

Variability: Saves

18 minute read

How do we account for variability of saving throws in D&D?

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stunning strike

Stunning Strike

10 minute read

Analysis of how Stunning Strike holds up against published monsters

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Effective HP and Damage

19 minute read

How to represent creature defensive and offensive strengths in effective terms that don’t require calculating chances to hit or save against an enemy creature.

XP and Encounter Balancing

14 minute read

A detailed explanation of where XP comes from and how encounter balancing works.

Rounds of Combat Per Day

6 minute read

How many rounds should combat take? And how does encounter difficulty affect the number of rounds in a full adventuring day?

Valuing Conditions

18 minute read

How strong are conditions in 5th edition D&D?

Variability: Attacks

17 minute read

How do we account for variability of attack rolls in D&D?

Variability: Saves

18 minute read

How do we account for variability of saving throws in D&D?

Initiative Probabilities

16 minute read

How likely are you to roll higher than your opponent in initiative? How often will you go first or second? This post looks at the math behind initiative orde...

Random Encounter Tables

16 minute read

Random encounter tables are a great tool, but they can sometimes create problems. Here we explore the math behind random encounter tables and techniques we c...

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Variability: Attacks

17 minute read

How do we account for variability of attack rolls in D&D?

Variability: Saves

18 minute read

How do we account for variability of saving throws in D&D?

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Monster Damage Modifiers

6 minute read

An analysis of how damage resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities depend on monster type and challenge rating.

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Player Character XP

13 minute read

Calculates encounter and adventuring day XPs for each class and compares them with XP thresholds and budgets in the DMG.

Calculating Monster XP

7 minute read

Compares listed monster XP values with those calculated from their offensive and defensive abilities.

Early Legendary Monsters

7 minute read

Legendary monsters in the first several books were overpowered but their balance has improved since then.

Monsters of the Multiverse

7 minute read

How have the monsters in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse changed?

Baseline Monster Stats

15 minute read

What are the baseline monster stats Wizards of the Coast uses for making monsters?

Monster Manual (2024)

18 minute read

A comprehensive breakdown of the 2024 Monster Manual.

Effective HP and Damage

19 minute read

How to represent creature defensive and offensive strengths in effective terms that don’t require calculating chances to hit or save against an enemy creature.

XP and Encounter Balancing

14 minute read

A detailed explanation of where XP comes from and how encounter balancing works.

Rounds of Combat Per Day

6 minute read

How many rounds should combat take? And how does encounter difficulty affect the number of rounds in a full adventuring day?

Valuing Conditions

18 minute read

How strong are conditions in 5th edition D&D?

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